Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sooo, I kinda fizzled out with the 24 day Challenge

I think the title of this post says it all. I kinda just fizzled out. I was into, but then I got behind, and then life kinda happened and before I knew it, it was over. But I'm okay with that. I did quite a few and so I'm happy with that. The last thing I wanted to post about was this:

Its from this post on Freckles in April. Her imitation is on the left. It honestly never crossed my mind to have red pants. But now I want them. I need them. Can  I sew them? Probably not. I'll be on the look out though. The husband thinks I'm crazy. I think he thinks half the stuff I wear is crazy.  Probably. But imma get these if the chance arises.

She recommends Pintrest for inspiration. I like Pintrest but I always forget about it. It's too much work for me. Hahah, but seriously- it kinda is. To find stuff that you like. And then it becomes overwhelming after a while with the millions of things to look at. Beautiful overload.


Natalie said...

Who knew red pants would be so cute?! I want some too...
Make me some...

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I skipped out on a few days too. Colored pants are a hot trend! I think I'll be sitting out.

Adventures in Dressmaking said...

I have a whole BUNCH of red jeans and pants on my clothes Pinterest board! I want to wear them but I'm a little scared! http://pinterest.com/blogdressmaking/cute-clothes/