Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Christmas Decorations


 We made two wreaths this year- one out of yarn and felt and one out of pages from an old book. Both with lots and lots of hot glue. I made our stockings out of an old fair isle sweater that I bought at the thrift store. I was going to make this  reindeer-thing out of it, but then I realized that I could make a stocking. So I made two.  I actually hung up our Christmas cards this year. I got that amazing santa + dog picture at the thrift store. It begs a lot of questions: 
1. Why would you ever want to get rid of that picture? priceless and 
2. Who donates a frame with a picture still in it? Weird.
"The stockings were hung by the surfboard with care"


Stubbs Love said...

you are so crafty!

Natalie said...

YOU ARE SO CUTE! Everything you do amazes me. It always has.

Nicole and Garrett said...

Dang it, I want to make a wreath out of book pages. Couldn't I just buy yours? :)